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Everyday that I get to sit down and write, I get to live part of my dream. Writing romance has been a dream of mine ever since I read my first romance novel. The underlying theme I carry in all of my work is overcoming difficulty, believing in oneself and achieving dreams. It isn't hard to look to the stars and dream the impossible, because the only thing that stops you is your imagination.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Curve Balls

Life has a way of throwing you curve balls and you find yourself dodging them, but sometimes no matter how much you try to dodge them you get smacked hard.

This last year has been that way. Trying to be strong and do what is right can be a job in itself and is at times very difficult.

My mother has had a lot of medical issues and we've been dealing with that for quite sometime. My brother, Alex's health has been failing as well and he went into the hospital, because his kidney's have failed. He now has to have dialysis to keep him alive. We keep hoping and praying that either his kidneys start working again, or he can qualify to have a kidney transplant. There is a process for this.

About the time my brother was going through this, I had a major surgery done and was out of work for about six weeks. I don't really want to get into what I had done at this time. Then on December 5th I was in a car accident. I was rear ended at a stop sign. I've been going to physical therapy and massage therapy since. Hopefully I won't have problems the rest of my life. I'm truly following what my doctor has recommended.

After Christmas my mother had a heart attack. We think she had a few of them, before anyone really knew what was going on. Her aide at home was the one who called the paramedics. Mom had to wait in the emergency room like everyone else instead of them admitting her right away. She is lucky to be alive. Mom had to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks while they took test after test on mom. She made it clear she wanted to live and had a lot to live for. Mom had heart surgery January 13th of this year and only had a thirty-five percent chance of survival. Mom had a triple by-pass and lived.

Mom is a courageous woman who fights every step of the way. Mom has taught me that giving up is never an option. I will take this to my grave.

I didn't make it known, but I was quite upset that I had to work on Mother's Day. The last few years I had Mother's Day off, because of my mother's health and her being in the hospital and last year when I needed it off I was told quite bluntly that I would not get it off the next year. I almost lost my mom and I may not get another Mother's Day, or might get a few more. I don't get other holiday's off that I want without making a huge deal and I couldn't even have the day off that means the most to me. I only have one mom and I hate missing the time with her that means a lot to her.

My brother, Charles has been in the hospital as well with kidney issues and we hope and pray that his is not as serious as my younger brother's.

The year isn't even over yet and I feel as if a life time of events have happen within the last nine months.

The love of my family has kept us strong. We depend on each other for strength, courage and love and of course laughter.

I keep praying. I pray for my whole family and of course my friends and a whole host of other people too.

May God Bless You.

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