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Everyday that I get to sit down and write, I get to live part of my dream. Writing romance has been a dream of mine ever since I read my first romance novel. The underlying theme I carry in all of my work is overcoming difficulty, believing in oneself and achieving dreams. It isn't hard to look to the stars and dream the impossible, because the only thing that stops you is your imagination.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Rumors and rumors of rumors. This is a dangerous thing, especially when those rumors are flying around causing havoc to peoples lives, because you start to question their reputation, their ethics and their values. More often than not you make a judgement about a person off of one, or two things that you might have heard from someone else.

Is it true? Is it not true? This is the question, but instead of squashing the rumors and standing up for what is right, by not joining in and going to the source. There are those people who keep it alive trying to destroy others in their sad attempt to belong. They are taking sides against someone they don't even know.

I guess for some people, talking behind other peoples backs about negative crap and accusations is a way of life. It creates drama and chaos and a lot of hurt feelings for the victims of the rumor and it gives the ones who are creating the rumors a sense of importance. What a sad way of life and such a waste.

Keep in mind that the people who start rumors usual have an agenda. They want to get others to think bad of someone else for some unspecified vindictive ulterior motive.

Do you really want to be apart of something so ugly and cruel?

Quit fanning the flame of hatred, distrust and lies. Life is difficult enough without getting caught up in someone else's garbage. Keep in mind that most rumors that fly around are not true. They are designed to hurt people. The bottom line is that when you get caught up in rumors and rumors of lies, you end up getting hurt as well as the person the rumors are about.

As a writer, I see things differently than most people I am around. I've seen peoples lives ruined over rumors. I felt the need to share my thoughts.

I hope you have a rumor free day.

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