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Everyday that I get to sit down and write, I get to live part of my dream. Writing romance has been a dream of mine ever since I read my first romance novel. The underlying theme I carry in all of my work is overcoming difficulty, believing in oneself and achieving dreams. It isn't hard to look to the stars and dream the impossible, because the only thing that stops you is your imagination.

Monday, December 31, 2012

The last day of 2012

I woke up early this morning, made my coffee and built a fire in the wood burning stove to warm the house up. The last few weeks literally had put me in a tail spin. I had to leave my job of seven years, because my husband got a job in Washington State that would give him a better opportunities for the future. It's one of those things you really have to think about. I asked him when this job offer came up, 'Years from now are you going to kick yourself for not taking the opportunities that could lead potentially into a better life, or do you think you'll be happy staying somewhere you already know you've reached your potential?'

We both knew that if he didn't take the opportunity, we'd always wonder if we had made a mistake. Our friends thought he'd be crazy to not take this chance, so we did.

He left for Washington State, rented a house and started training for his new job. I gave my notice at my job then Nicole and I waited until the semester ended, so that she could finish her classes and not leave mid year. The day finally came and the movers arrived. They packed everything up. I said my last goodbyes to a life I sincerely thought I'd never leave and we were off. (I am going to miss a number of people I worked with, my friends, bosses and co-workers. They were my working family, where we worked, laughed, cried and supported each other through all the ups and downs. Yes, I'll miss that closeness we had.)

In the whirlwind of moving and trying to get settled during Christmas and New Years, I really hadn't put much thought behind what I'm going to do for a job. I have to work, so there is no choice in me staying home. The only thing I know, is that there is more opportunity for jobs here, so I believe I'll find one that I will be happy with very soon.

I sit here now and think of what last year has brought us and am pleased to say that we had a great year. We took jaunts to Vegas once in a while to get away on weekends,and went on drives to see the beautiful country of Utah.

I will miss being able to photograph one of the most beautiful states I have ever seen. Zion is spectacular, the high desert landscape and the eye catching skies with it's openness and beautiful colors of the morning dawn and evening sunsets will always be etched in my memories.

Who knew that clouds with the right lighting could be so awesome. Many times there are no words to describe what you see, you are in the moment and you just have to take a deep breath and just take it in. It's a force of power to be reckoned with as it fills your being with something akin to hope and inspiration. Many times I turned completely around in the midst of a those moments and took joy that I was part of those settings. I felt like I was in a painting forever imprinted in those moments in time.

Going on the cruise to Alaska was an experience all of us enjoyed. Joining my sisters was not only special, it was an opportunity to spend quality time doing something together that all of us could take memories from and re-tell the stories to our children and grandchildren.

I especially loved taking photos on the cruise of everything, seeing some of the most beautiful rugged country in the world took my breath away and I am still in awe of the memories I possess from the experience.

Now, I am here in Washington State on this quiet morning on the brink of a new year. A new state, a new home and on the verge of meeting new friends and looking for a new job.

I never thought in a million years that I'd come back to Washington State to live. I grew up here and Graduated from High School not far from where we live now. The good thing is, I get to live nearer to my mother and brother. I look forward to spending time with them and getting to know them better, since I only saw them on vacations before and talked to them on the phone. I get to spend time with my nephew and get to know that wonderful boy who still has his whole life in front of him.

Sipping my coffee, enjoying the quiet morning on this last day of 2012 is a blessing. It has been quite a journey and a new chapter is just about to begin. How cool is that?

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