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Everyday that I get to sit down and write, I get to live part of my dream. Writing romance has been a dream of mine ever since I read my first romance novel. The underlying theme I carry in all of my work is overcoming difficulty, believing in oneself and achieving dreams. It isn't hard to look to the stars and dream the impossible, because the only thing that stops you is your imagination.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Golden Rule

I find it interesting that some people preach about being the bigger person, but when they have the chance to make things right, they don't. I don't like confrontation as much as the next person, but if I'm wrong, I admit it, talk about it and try to move forward with it. It is amazing how far an "I'm sorry" will go if you really mean it and acknowledge it to the person who needs to hear it.

It means the world the the person who deserves the apology when the other person takes the initiative to do the right thing by them and admits they were wrong and then is willing to talk about it.

Think of the benefits for everyone if people were willing to admit they are only human and they too make mistakes.

Is it wrong for me to expect an apology? No, of course not. I don't expect anyone to do things I won't personally do for others. As a human being, I deserve it, just like anyone else does.

I have to add though, because this is something I have personally seen some people do. I've seen someone give an apology and the person receiving it looked down their nose at the person and then they have the audacity to take the apology and use it to put the person down, making an already precarious situation worse.

I imagine hurt/pride/control/insecurity issues have a lot to do with it for some, but sometimes they just have to let the hurt/pride/control/insecurity issues go and humble themselves to the person, because if your aren't careful you will not be trusted again.

Also, it is exhausting to be around people who constantly point the finger at others and refuse to look at themselves. It brings the moral down and makes it difficult to be around them. Think about it. Can you really relax, or be yourself when you are always on edge knowing that if your not careful the finger pointer is always there taking the opportunity to drive a stick in the works causing an overload of upheaval?

Can you trust that person?

I ask, as many people do, where is the common decency in people?

Is the Golden Rule too good for some to reciprocate?

Everyone should take some time to reflect on themselves, yes even me, because I know I'm not perfect. It takes courage to admit your wrong. Remember it builds character when you make mistakes and then choose to do the right thing by others. It makes you the kind of person others want to be around and people learn to respect you.

Remember, you don't get respect by being a bully, you earn it by treating people like you want to be treated and taking responsibility for yourself.

That my friend is the the Golden Rule.

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