I really miss writing stories. I hope that one day soon I can actually start writing again. As any writer knows, the journey of writing includes the journey of life. I laugh in irony and am trying to catch my breath. The curve balls just never stop coming.
These last few years, life has taken my husband and I on an unforgettable heart wrenching journey we never expected and it has still left us reeling like we are in some alternate universe and twilight zone.
Even though it has almost been three years, I'm still grieving the loss of my mother. Watching her decline over the last few years of her life and finally standing by her bedside, holding her hand and watching her take her last breath on Thursday May 10th, 2018 at 4:08 pm has left me broken. I'm still trying to move on from the grief, but it comes back in waves at the most unexpected times.
My husband Russ was laid off from his job at Boeing in June of 2019 as a direct result of COVID-19. We couldn't stay in Washington State to live and pay our bills. We had to make some life changing decisions when we realized Russ would be laid off.
We needed to find a place to live with a lower cost of living and we decided to move to Kingman Arizona. We put our house up for sale and it sold in one weekend. I quite my job and we went to Arizona to find a house. We found a small home with a lot of potential, went back to Washington to pack up. My sister and her husband came up from California to help us get packed up and move. We drove to Arizona in a small caravan with all of our belongings.
We had to stay in a hotel for almost a week waiting for our house to close in July. Luckily, even though the house is 15 years old, it was clean enough to be move in ready. It was miserable because we were trying to move into our home in the midst of a heat wave. We were doing what we needed to do to survive. My sister Kathy and her husband Wade were such a great help and I will never forget the time they gave and their generosity as we got settled that first week.
After Kathy and Wade went back home to California, Russ and I worked hard, cleaning and working on our little corner of heaven, our forever home. We couldn't really meet people, because of COVID-19. We stayed to ourselves and just familiarized ourselves with our new surroundings when we needed to go out to get the things we needed. Even our neighbors stayed away, introduced ourselves from a distance. We live around some very nice people, most are retired, other's work and are gone most of the time. I really love our little community.
I really don't mind the loneliness at this time. We are trying to deal with all the change that has happened. I miss my mother and talking to her, I miss my brother in Washington state and I am afraid of what the future holds. We have a chance at a new beginning and wonderful things. I just hope things work out as we want them too.
I'll talk about jobs and looking for work on my next post...