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Everyday that I get to sit down and write, I get to live part of my dream. Writing romance has been a dream of mine ever since I read my first romance novel. The underlying theme I carry in all of my work is overcoming difficulty, believing in oneself and achieving dreams. It isn't hard to look to the stars and dream the impossible, because the only thing that stops you is your imagination.

Friday, December 5, 2014

My take on the illegal imigration problem

I grew up in a family that had a lot of struggles. Some of my earliest memories are of looking through the cupboards and not finding much of anything to eat. My grandparents took us kids in during a time my mother and father couldn't provide. With time, things got better, but without the help of family and welfare, life would have been even more difficult. I remember mom making my clothes and me having to wear hand me downs, because we couldn't afford new clothes. I never had underclothes that properly fit and socks that didn't have holes in them. I leaned to use a needle and thread, because I used to mend my own clothes when mom didn't have time to do it.

There was a combination of reasons as to why I was so shy growing up. One of the reasons was I didn't feel as if I fit in. I didn't have the latest styles in shoes and jeans my friends had and what new clothes I did get, were from the sale rack and not in style. Even with all of that, I was thankful I had clothes to wear. I was proud of my mother for trying to make my clothes. I was only embarrassed when I had to wear a bathing suit my mom made, because she couldn't afford a new one for me. I do remember getting new gym clothes every year, I was glad I fit in there.

Now, it wasn't bad like that every year, we had our good years and bad years.

After I grew up I got my first job, and started to pay taxes, even before I had graduated high school. When I moved to California after I graduated from high school, I had to find a job. I didn't have anyone to really help me financially. Though I must say, without the help of my Aunt Kay and Uncle Jim, my sister Kathy and her husband giving me a place to stay and the chance to save my money, I'm not sure what I would have done. I will always be thankful for them and what they gave me.

Now, the point of my post. My mother got help from the government to help with our needs at different times, through money that was paid in taxes by taxpayers. My parents paid in with the jobs they had, before and after their difficulties. They eventually didn't need help from government and was able to make it with the money they earned with their jobs.

I became a productive person in society, working and paying my own taxes with my husband and I'm thankful that we have not had to rely on government handouts to help us through.

It is the height of arrogance that any illegal that comes to the United States expecting our government to hand them money from programs they have not paid into from our taxes. It is an insult and flat out steeling. If someone were to enter my home and take what I have worked my whole life for, it would be against the law. How in the world is is okay, that illegals come into our country, and freely take what isn't theirs?

The government has no right to give our money away to illegals who disrespect our system. They are breaking the law. They are a drain on the system and causing it to go bankrupt, taking away from the American people who have worked hard to pay their taxes.

The programs that the American government has set up by it's people was set up to take care of their own. We have many American citizens that need help from the programs that were set up for them. We have our Veterans, disabled, people between jobs, infrastructure, our prisons etc.

We have our share of Americans that steal, scam and fraudulently take from our government programs that we need to clamp down on.

I look back on my life and am thankful that my mother had the help she needed when she needed it the most. Mom overcame the difficulties and became a productive part of society and all of her children are productive in society as well.

This country can be a great place if everyone worked together and stopped giving away the taxpayers money.

If you want the benefits of the programs that America has to offer, come to our country legally. Pay, your taxes and stop stealing from the American people.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Reflections on this past year. 2014

I sit here this morning reflecting on this last year. There have been a lot of struggles for my personal journey in life and I feel as if I have not moved forward with what I have been trying to achieve. I may not have liked the left curves of life, the dead ends and the heartaches I have endured, but then I look at the lessons I have learned and how much stronger I have become for having gone through them.

I strongly believe that the trials in life can make you a better person if you choose to allow that to happen. It is all in the attitude. I am human, so sometimes my own attitude isn't the best, but when I take the time like this morning to look back on everything and try to see the larger picture I take comfort in the fact that I am a better person because of it.

We just had Thanksgiving with my family. I am grateful that I have been able to take the time off from work to spend with them. It gave me the balance I know that has been missing in my life. I love my family and though we spend our lives in different states working and living our daily lives, we are together in spirit and are only a phone call away. When we get together it is like we were never apart. I know for a fact that we don't take our time together for granted, because we are never promised a tomorrow. The laughter, the tears, the hugs, and the looks of understanding when our eyes met when words just couldn't express what was being said is a gift that is forever engraved in all of our hearts.

My personal journey will continue and I'll pray everyday giving thanks for the blessings I have. I'll keep praying for the courage and the strength to face each day, and to be given the insight to know how to handle each situation as they arise. I pray for health and to stay strong through the difficult times. Above all, I'll continue to pray for my family and friends for the same thing, because we are all in this together.

I am thankful for my family and friends, because I know I am a better person for having you in my life, so thank you. I also want to give thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this. I pray for you to have a very blessed day, no matter what you believe.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Rumors and rumors of rumors. This is a dangerous thing, especially when those rumors are flying around causing havoc to peoples lives, because you start to question their reputation, their ethics and their values. More often than not you make a judgement about a person off of one, or two things that you might have heard from someone else.

Is it true? Is it not true? This is the question, but instead of squashing the rumors and standing up for what is right, by not joining in and going to the source. There are those people who keep it alive trying to destroy others in their sad attempt to belong. They are taking sides against someone they don't even know.

I guess for some people, talking behind other peoples backs about negative crap and accusations is a way of life. It creates drama and chaos and a lot of hurt feelings for the victims of the rumor and it gives the ones who are creating the rumors a sense of importance. What a sad way of life and such a waste.

Keep in mind that the people who start rumors usual have an agenda. They want to get others to think bad of someone else for some unspecified vindictive ulterior motive.

Do you really want to be apart of something so ugly and cruel?

Quit fanning the flame of hatred, distrust and lies. Life is difficult enough without getting caught up in someone else's garbage. Keep in mind that most rumors that fly around are not true. They are designed to hurt people. The bottom line is that when you get caught up in rumors and rumors of lies, you end up getting hurt as well as the person the rumors are about.

As a writer, I see things differently than most people I am around. I've seen peoples lives ruined over rumors. I felt the need to share my thoughts.

I hope you have a rumor free day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Four Chairs

I spent the day with my mother yesterday, she went from not feeling well because of recovering from the walking pneumonia she had, to superwoman with a mission. I talked her into going to lunch just to get out of the house. I must admit, I really didn't expect her to go the way she looked. She really didn't look as if she felt that well, but then she got dressed and off we went.

We mulled over the menu for a time deciding on a prime rib dip with a large salad for mom and chicken fried steak for me with a large salad as well. We talked and ate and mom began getting more animated when she started talking about an ad she saw on television about some chairs she had been wanting to get. I looked up the store she was talking about and it was about an hour and a half away, with traffic. It was passed my house which is an hour north of her house. (She didn't realize how far it was.)

Mom looked at me and innocently asked if I'd take her to go look at the chairs. In my mind I was thinking about traffic and how long it would take to drive down there and bring mom home, but I smiled as if it was nothing and told her that if we were going to go, we had better get going. She smiled and off we went.

We talked and talked as I drove and drove and mom suddenly got quiet as I pointed out that we were going to pass my house and on the way back we'd stop by so she could see it. (Mom had never been to our new house yet.) It finally dawned on mom how far we had gone and she asked me in a hesitant voice. "Well, how far is the store?" I told her with traffic about another half hour. She looked at me and told me if she had known how far it was she would never have asked me. I just told her that I loved her and for her to stop feeling guilty that she was worth the time. I told her that if I couldn't have taken her, I would have said so from the very beginning.

Mom brightened up and we joked as I drove in the stop and go traffic and I finally found the exit and turned off. I found the store and parked and her eyes lit up as we got out of the car. I helped her up the large flight of stairs to the show room and we went inside. We stopped and looked around and the look on her face was priceless. I know she couldn't believe we were actually there. I could almost see beams of light shining on her with a choir of voices singing "awwwwwwww"

The sales person was a young man who was patient and he took his time listening to my mother and what she wanted and told him about the ad she saw on television. He told her that the special she was talking about had been sold out and mom became very disappointed, but then she asked to see if they had anything comparable. They had a chair that mom fell in love with the instant she saw it and sat in it. The sales person showed us another chair on the other side of the store, but mom wanted the first one. Mom ended up ordering four of them to be delivered to her house in a couple of days.

Now, I've told you only part of the story. Keep in mind my mother is going blind, but she can see better some days depending on the lighting. She can see shapes and get the gist of her surroundings with taking her time and looking around and taking the time to look closely at them. She sees better up close, she can see more detail. Mom also has diabetes which has attacked her nervous system. She has a difficult time walking. The simple act of going up and down stairs is scary for her. Being out in public is scary for her, because she is very self conscious of herself and she is desperately afraid of falling. Trying to get mom to go places is difficult to say the least when she isn't in the mood, or when she isn't feeling well. Mom can be pretty stubborn.

Mom doesn't like to be a burden, or she doesn't want to put anyone out in any way so she doesn't often ask. She certainly would have have changed her mind if I had explained how far the store was that she wanted to go to and would have dug her heals in about going.

This outing meant more to mom than I know I'll ever know, though I must admit, it meant more to me, than she'll ever know. Mom is going to have a family reunion at Thanksgiving this year with all of her children and grandchildren at her house and she wanted to have new chairs for her front room. Mom is not the conventional type. She keeps her stuff until it is falling apart and then it is difficult to part with. Getting the new chairs for her front room was a milestone for her.

On the way back we went to my house and we spent time there. It was the first time she had seen my home and she went up the stairs and looked at everything. Mom loves it and told me how proud she is of me and my husband for being able to work hard to get the house.

When we finally got back to her house, her husband was waiting for us. He was worried, because it isn't like us to be gone for so long. When mom explained where we had went and what she had purchased she became animated and excited and was almost bouncing off of the walls about how nice the new furniture was going to look. The mood was contagious and dad also became excited and talked about updating other things. I sat back and looked at both of them and thought about the difficult times they had come through in their life. I saw the look he gave her as she chattered on and on about how nice her front room was going to look. I knew that there was something there I thought had been lost. (That is a whole other story)

I'm happy to say that the old chairs in the front room are going to the dump along with other things that she has been hanging onto. If some of the other updates that they were talking about happens I'll write about it.

The moral of this story is taking the time to be with those you love. It is easy to get caught up in life, work, obligations, time constraints etc.
It would have been easy for me to tell mom 'no' about going to the furniture store she had wanted to go to because of how far it was, but I didn't.

Mom had been talking about getting new chairs for years and she finally did it. I saw a fire lit under my mother that I hadn't seen in years. I can't even tell you how much it meant to me to see this, to be apart of it. I'm very thankful I followed my gut instinct and went with the spur of the moment of her simple request.

Before I left to go home, I hugged mom and looked at her and said, "I'll bet when I first got here, that you never expected our day to end the way it did."

"No, not even close," she said, "I have to tell you that I decided to go to lunch even though I didn't want to, was because, one day I'm going to be blind and I won't be able to see you, or anything. I got see my roses in bloom and the beautiful flowers in the yard as we left. I got to see your house. I need to take advantage of the time I have, because one day it will be very different for me." Mom hugged me and kissed my cheek. "You helped me feel alive and independent today. Thank you for driving down to see me. Thank you for taking me to the furniture store and then back to see your house and then back home again. You have to drive back home now and it is going to be late!"

"That doesn't matter, mom. I'm happy I could be here today with you."

I wish I could spend more time with mom. I want more moments like this before she is called home to God.

Thank you mom, I love you!

Vickie Treadway

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Humbled Beyond Words & Very Thankful

One of my biggest fears is not being remembered. One of these days I'll leave this earth and on my death bed I'll be wondering what kind of mark I have left behind in this world.

This quote sums it up for me. "I will show you fear in a handful of dust." TS Elliot I don't actually fear death, I'm more afraid of not being remembered, that I'll disappear without a trace. My guess is that all of us feel this way.

Most of us grow up, live our lives, work our jobs, raise our families and try to do the right things as we stress over all of these things and everything in-between. One aspect of the human condition is that we want to be loved and accepted by our families and friends, which is a whole other topic.

There are times we get lost and we start spiraling out of control in depression. All of the little things seem like huge insurmountable roadblocks that seem to stop you at every turn. All of us feel this way at some point in our lives at one time, or another.

Writing is a way for me to feel as if I'm making my mark in this unforgiving world. It's a way for me to leave my legacy for my family and my friends and for anyone who wants to read what I have had to say for generations to come. It brings joy, because I have a lot of stories inside of me and I have experiences that I want to share. Sometimes it takes a great amount of courage to be open about experiences and things that have happened in my life. Writing about them can be scary, but as I draw from my inner strength and put forth the courage I know I have I put it out there for others to read.

In on of my lower moments in life recently I asked for prayers and many people, some I know and others I don't responded with open arms and have prayed for me.

Unexpectedly, there was someone whom I worked with many years ago who contacted me and told me that if I lived closer to them, they'd take me to dinner just to make me feel better.

This person refereed to me as aunty. They have used this endearment a few times in other conversations and I finally asked this person why they called me this. I am good with the endearment, but I was just curious.

This is what they said ...

"Back when you worked with me, you did more than your job. You mentored me inward out. I can't find the right words to say. However when I found you on fb I remembered how you made me feel when I was in the place I was in. I remember the sunniness and brightness that reflected every time you did your job and more. Most of all I remember the lesson I feel I was taught by you to believe in myself. You laughed at a joke, you helped me find humor through all the pain and that's an unforgettable feeling. Now that I'm crying I wanted to label that feeling as family instead of standing maybe as an outsider. Now I will address you appropriately. Its apparent that you don't need a family status from me when we were brought together by your passion to write. And if I never told you this before, thank you Author Tory Lynn. For leaving a impact on my life that's added to my success and growth. Thank You."

I just want to say, that I'm honored to be called, Aunty and I welcome it!

To receive a compliment like this is more than anything I can ask for. This isn't the first time I have had a message from someone I worked with and have been told similar things. Each time it happens though,it takes my breath away and I cry. I can't help, but stop in my tracks and re-evaluate my life, because I am deeply touched and honored to have been able to cross paths with these people. I wouldn't be where I am without them. I'm blessed and am a better person for what they have unknowingly given me. I am humbled, beyond words and feel more than blessed that they took something from me and are better people because of it.

I wanted to share this, because as we live our lives, we touch people everyday with our words, our actions and how we lead our lives. We leave impressions on others whether we want to, or not. How we deal with stress and how we overcome the difficult times tells us what kind of people we are. So be courageous, stand up for what is right, be kind, be loving and pay it forward.

Vickie Treadway, aka Author Tory Lynn

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Random Thoughts of a Writer

As a writer ...
What do you have to offer?
Are you an expert in that area?
If not, how do you make yourself credible to your readers?
Who is your target audience?
Do you have a fan base?
Are you published? Self published? Traditionally published?
How do I get people to purchase what I have to offer?
How am I supposed to stand out among all of the other authors out there?

If you are a famous actor, or actress, a politician, or are like those people who make the news mostly by breaking the law, you already have a leg up on the rest of us in becoming a successful author. This is a sad, but a true fact of life.

Most of us don't have that notoriety and we have to swim in shark infested waters of every other writer who wants to get noticed. We have to swim by the ships of large publishing houses who have the corner market on who they are going to publish and give those coveted contracts to with large advances to as they look over the bows of their ships into the ocean to see who stands out to them.

I have to laugh at that image. It kind of makes me want to step out of the water and and watch the fight instead of being part of it. More often then not I feel as if I'm just flailing in the deep water without a life preserver. It is easy to feel as if you are drowning when it comes to thinking about what is next in the publishing world.

Some authors are lucky, they are in the right place at the right time as the spotlight suddenly shines on them for what ever reason it was that got them noticed and they get the deal of a lifetime. Some have put in a lifetime of hard work, and others not so much.

In today's world, there are a lot of authors out there who make it by becoming Indie Authors. They make it by hard work, growing their audience and building their platform as a writer into something that can't be ignored and they didn't have any help, except by the loyal readers and followers they got by being persistent with dogged determination. Some of these authors are then picked up by the larger publishing houses, because they have proven that they can make it.)

It is fascinating to watch the way publishing has changed in the digital world. Anyone can publish their books now. Amazon has made it as easy as a click of a button and this has shifted the way people think about publishing.

Traditional vs Indie is the latest debate in the publishing world. What is better and how it is going to evolve. This is a million dollar question.

In the mean time as I write my heart out, I'll continue to become a better writer. I'll become an expert in what I write as I figure out my strengths so I can share them. I'll continue to expand and improve my platform.

I don't have the magic answer in becoming noticed, but I do know that it won't happen over night for most of us. We have to use our wits, keep up with the ever changing publishing world and try to take advantage of everything that we learn as we try to make our mark on the world.

I know that consistency and hard work will win out in the end. This will keep our loyal fan-base of supporters and readers behind us as we courageously move forward. Remember to keep your head up in this never ending ocean of possibilities.

We are after all writers and writers don't ever give up.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Run-a-way Horse, a Memory

I got to thinking about my grandparents today. I remember one year we went on vacation in Colorado to visit them with my brothers and sisters. We had family reunions ever so often and my aunts and uncles and all of my cousins came in from out of state and joined as well. It was a fun time for all of us. I'm thinking I was about seven, or maybe eight years old when this incident happened.

We went camping in the Black Forest near Colorado Springs. The forest was made up of thick Ponderosa Pines. It's where my grandfather and uncle Andy took us to go horseback riding. I don't remember too much, just a lot of dry land with tall trees with it being very warm during the day. We were all told to look out for rattle snakes, because there were always some around. I remember wishing there was a creek to play in, because it was so warm.

I was a middle child and younger than most of my my brother, sister and cousins who thought I was just a pest at the time. All of us younger kids were pests according to the older kids. I was chased away many times and told not to follow them. I was disappointed, because I just wanted to be apart of the group.

My grandpa hugged me letting me know I was loved and told me not to worry about it. He sat me up on one of his horses and let me ride the beautiful animal around the camp and even let me go with them on the trails where we went as a group through the forest trails.

I'm not sure what happened, but the horse started trotting faster than the group and I pulled back on the reigns, but the horse kept going. I heard yelling behind me as the horse picked up speed as it charged into the woods. I remember leaning forward and just hanging onto the horse for dear life as I bounced around. It was a good thing I hung on too, because the horse ran into some trees where the limbs hung low and I could have gotten hurt real bad.

I remember crying as the horse suddenly stopped making me lose what little balance I had and fell off of the horse. I landed hard on the ground in a sticker bush. I heard yelling and screaming from everyone who was looking for me.

My Grandfather found me and helped me up. I had stickers all over me and he brushed me off making sure I hadn't broken anything. The horse stood nearby watching us and tears ran down my face as I realized things could have been a lot worse.

Grandpa put me back on the horse, but this time he held onto the reigns and made sure nothing else happened.

I look back on that memory and was glad that the experience didn't make me afraid of horses after that. I was just a little weary and I gained a huge respect for that majestic animal. I never let it stop me from getting back up and riding when we visited my grandparents.

Free Romance Stories

For the next couple of days I am giving away my two ebook stories, Confrontation and Coming Home for free. Get yours today on Amazon Kindle. Please give me reviews on the stories, they are very much appreciated.

Tory Lynn's Author Page on Amazon

A short story of erotic love and suspense. ~ After Christy's sister was murdered, fear drove her to go visit long time friends in Tennessee to get away from New York and the killer. Christy was fearful of the killer finding her, because he had told her that she was next. Christy feels as if she is being watched all the time, and she is too terrified to open up to her friends about what was really happening until one night her worst fear comes true. Christy finds comfort in the arms of her long time friend Jason, and finally begins to trust that she has a future in her new life.

Tricia Conway never liked living in New York, but never really thought she'd get out. She found most people were impersonal, rude and unfriendly. After her mother died in an unexpected car accident leaving her all alone and devastated, she began having unexplained instances where she felt as if she was being taken care of, in a supernatural sort of way. A scent of jasmine would come out of nowhere always giving her comfort with words of wisdom that never led her wrong. When an old woman gives her condolences over her mother and warns her about a couple who had befriended her, who was trying to take advantage of her, she finds the courage to leave the city to find a place where she'd belong. Tricia let fate and the unexplained lead her. After an old woman gives her photos of a place she said was her home, the woman disappears. Tricia is led by something inside of her to find the place that is in the pictures and knows the moment she arrives in the small town, that she has found her home.
This Light paranormal romance is a sweet read that will touch your heart if you love a happy endings.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jacey's Christmas Miracle, Never Forgotten

Jacey's Christmas Miracle

Now available on Amazon Kindle

Synopsis: Jacey McMillan grew up with heartbreak and disappointment. Life was hard living with her uncle and cousin as they moved from place to place under the most threatening situations. When she was nine years old, Jacey ended up in the foster system and her uncle and cousin ended up in prison for reasons she never understood, until much later.
Life became even more challenging as she went from family to family never finding love and acceptance. She finally ran away at age seventeen when she couldn't bear it any longer. Just when things were starting to get worse, she caught a break and life began to turn around for her thanks to a wonderful couple who took her in.
Jacey drove herself to work hard, so she could make a life for herself that she could be proud of. She found a great job and as life became stable she began dreaming of traveling and having all the things she was denied of as a child.
When her boss asks her to help his friend, Matt Collins out, by working over the holidays in Europe as his assistant, she just couldn't pass up the opportunity to go, even though she had her doubts about this disturbing young millionaire who was very familiar to her, until she realizes she knew him. The change in him was unbelievable; he was nothing like he used to be when she first met him.
While working in Europe Jacey and Matt's romance blooms into love, but nothing prepared her for the unexpected phone call from a private investigator that literally alters her life forever. She had no idea of the forces at work and the people who were working hard to bring her back to a family she never knew she had.
The twists and turns in this book with its interesting cast of characters will keep you reading until the very end.
You'll have to read the book, to find out the unbelievable, unimaginable life Jacey had and how bad people can alter so many lives of the good.
As in all of my writings though, I love a good ending. I hope you love this book as much as I do.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Magic of Words

The magic of words ...

The written word is a glorious invention. Before, computer's,paper and pen we only had our voice. Now we can record what we want to say. I find it fascinating that we can gain understanding and wisdom as we take the time to read what others have written. We get to have a glimpse into the minds of the writer for a brief time as we are taught something we may not even know we learned until later.

Think of the power we have with words. Teachers teach the content of words, expanding the knowledge, so that we can grow. We learn about traditions, cultures, the way people live and we get to read about current events and world news. We read words to take us places we haven't even dreamed about.

Think about it, we are given a gift to pass on for generations to come. Speak the truth, fantasize, and let your creativity broaden the world of others. As writers don't we do this for ourselves? I know I do.

As my mother has always told me, "The world is at your fingertips." She is literally correct. I write and new characters, places and worlds are born.

I love the magic of words.